Keep Your Hormones Balanced With These Three Eating Habits

Hormones, or “chemical messengers,” coordinate different bodily functions by sending signals into your bloodstream and tissues. Too much or too little of one hormone leads to hormonal imbalance, which causes a range of unwanted symptoms, from weight gain to sexual dysfunction.

Many factors contribute to hormonal imbalance, including those you can’t control and those you can. Read on for three eating habits that contribute to hormonal imbalance.

Under or Overeating

Receiving proper nourishment contributes to synchronized hormone levels. A fall or a spike in your weight caused by under or overeating can upset your hormonal balance, then affect your appetite. This appetite change can exacerbate issues and lead to a feedback loop.

Weight changes significantly influence female reproductive hormones. An above-normal and below-normal body mass index has been linked with a higher risk of hormone-related fertility issues.

Too Much Sugar

It’s easy to get addicted to sugar since, besides being tasty, it activates the brain’s feel-good and reward system. However, its health effects are not sweet at all. In addition to contributing to weight gain, which disturbs hormonal function, it causes havoc on hormones directly. High amounts can turn off estrogen and testosterone regulation, presenting as varying symptoms for men and women.

Don’t reach for diet coke as a replacement just yet, though. Artificial sweeteners in diet soda may upset the equilibrium of leptin and ghrelin, hormones that regulate the feeling of fulness and hunger.

Too Much Alcohol

Now and again, you can enjoy a glass of wine, but overconsumption can cause hormonal disturbances. Disrupting the communication between your nervous, endocrine, and immune systems can cause several issues, including estrogen metabolism problems and immune deficiency.

Happy Hormones

When your hormones are in disharmony, you’ll probably notice the difference. Do your part to balance hormone levels with a healthy diet. Control your portion sizes but ensure you eat nutritious meals and keep your sugar intake to an absolute minimum.

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