Expert-Backed Tips for Optimal Blood Sugar Levels

Maintaining optimal blood sugar levels is an essential aspect of well-being. Sustaining high levels for an extended period could lead to eye infections, kidney problems, and other dangerous conditions. On the other hand, levels that are too low could cause headaches, dizziness, or anxiety.

Endocrinologist Marcio Griebeler has provided these helpful tips to ensure optimal blood glucose levels. Let’s check them out.

Watch Your Weight

Carrying extra weight comes with some health risks like increasing the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, losing even 5% of your body weight can benefit your health and help you maintain optimal blood sugar levels.

Avoid Late Night Snacks

Doctors have found that midnight snacks can lead to increased blood sugar levels. This is especially true for pre-diabetic individuals. To lower the risk of developing this condition, they recommend having a light dinner three hours before hitting the hay.

Lunch should be your most filling meal. It should be able to sustain you throughout the day so that you don’t overeat in the evening.

Be Selective With Starch

Some choose to stay away from carbs to lower their blood sugar, but this could be taking things too far. We burn carbohydrates to produce energy for the body, so they aren’t all bad.

However, be careful about how many carbs you consume. As a rule of thumb, you shouldn’t eat more than a cup of carbs per meal. The rest of your plate should consist of fiber-rich vegetables and lean protein.

Maintaining optimal blood sugar is about balance. Consuming healthy portions of a well-balanced diet will preserve your health and well-being.

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