This Eye Symptom Could Be the First Sign of MS

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects about 900,000 people in the U.S. Its symptoms start as minor inconveniences that can be easy to ignore. However, they get worse over time and can become quite debilitating. That’s why it’s essential to get MS diagnosed as early as possible. Catching those early warning signs could make all the difference in battling the disease.

Early Warning Signs

MS can be pretty unpredictable, and the symptoms will vary from one patient to another. However, 20% of MS patients first exhibit eye pain or temporary vision loss. This is primarily because MS affects the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain.

Other than the ocular pain, MS may cause a reduction in the ability to see color. Difficulty in shifting the eye or detecting the brightness of objects has also been observed in MS patients. Their eyes can also move uncontrollably, or they may get double vision.

Research study

According to John Hopkins Medicine, more than 50% of MS patients have visual problems. These impairments will affect each patient differently, and so they may sometimes be hard to pin down as symptoms. A study showed that 67% of the MS patients in the research program had a visual disability of one kind or another. Forty-three percent of them indicated a history of optic nerve pain.

Get It Checked Out

Multiple sclerosis starts with mild symptoms that can seem inconsequential. However, scientists have discovered that 20% of patients will first exhibit problems with their vision. If you notice changes in your eyesight, it’s essential to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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