Why Some People Suffer From Post-Workout Migraines

Migraines are a neurological condition that often leads to debilitating headaches and lowers people’s quality of life. Many triggers bring out migraines, and for some people, they occur post-workout.

Keep reading to learn more.

Why Does Exercise Cause Migraines?

Although researchers are certain exercises sometimes result in migraines, more research is necessary to determine why.

One possible reason is repetitive movements. Poses that overwhelm the neck and head could lead to a migraine episode where symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vision problems occur.

For example, moves like sit-ups appear low-impact and straightforward but may exacerbate migraine symptoms.

Environmental aspects are another likely culprit. Physical activity raises our body temperature but working out in hot and stuffy spaces could result in a migraine episode.

There also seems to be a link between high-intensity activities and migraine episodes. People who enjoy swimming, running, tennis, and rowing are at a higher risk of suffering from post-workout migraines.

Other Migraine Triggers

Although migraines can occur after exercising, they may be caused by other triggers, including elevated stress levels, dehydration, lack of sleep, weather changes, and more.

To prevent post-workout migraines, make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough sleep.

Keep in mind that people with a family history of migraines are more susceptible to throbbing pain. If you’re genetically predisposed to the condition, contact your care provider to receive a personalized management plan. Although working out may be challenging for those suffering from chronic migraines, a cold compress, water, and over-the-counter medicine help alleviate the symptoms.

Contact a Healthcare Professional

If migraines prevent you from enjoying your workouts, reach out to your care provider to discuss treatment options. They’ll rule out other conditions and recommend the most effective plan.

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