This Healthy Fruit Will Bolster Your Vision

As they age, most people suffer from vision problems, and the issues often seem irreversible. However, goji berries have been linked to maintaining and enhancing eye health.

Keep reading to learn more.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Goji Berries

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye condition that occurs when the macula, the portion of the eye that controls central vision, becomes damaged. The disease can lead to vision loss, but research has discovered that goji berries may be an effective prevention tool.

A recent study has found that adding goji berries to your diet strengthens the eyes and raises the levels of healthy pigments. Our eyes are lined with pigments that protect them against damage. As we grow old, we lose most of these pigments, and the eyes become susceptible to various conditions like AMD. However, the study monitored the effects of eye supplements and goji berries. The group which consumed goji berries showed an increase in pigment levels, while the group which took eye supplements showed unchanged pigment levels.

Goji berries improve eye health because they’re packed with zeaxanthin. When paired with vitamin E, copper, and zinc, zeaxanthin rejuvenates the retina and the macula area, preventing light irritation and damage.

The study participants only consumed about a handful of berries, so implementing the superfood into your diet doesn’t require drastic changes.

Protect the Eyes with Lifestyle Changes

Although AMD doesn’t always result in blindness, it can negatively impact your quality of life and prevent you from reading or driving. Adding goji berries to your diet helps prevent AMD, especially for smokers whose family members have been affected by the disease.

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