4 Ways Gut Health Affects the Brain

The body is one extensive system, so it’s not wrong to think all parts will somehow affect one another. Gut health is more connected to your brain’s health than you may realize. Read on to learn about four ways the gut can affect the brain.

Anxiety and Stress

The gut and brain are connected via the vagus nerve pathway. If the vagus nerve gets inflamed, you can suffer from increased stress levels. Eating ultra-processed foods, like cookies and white bread, has been linked to anxiety. The refined carbohydrates and saturated fat content will only negatively affect your mood.

Brain Fog

Brain fog refers to a lack of mental clarity during the day and can be traced to poor gut health. Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease are significant brain fog causes. If the situation escalates, you can be looking at fainting or headaches.

Poor Mood

Poor gut health isn’t just going to cause anxiety, but depression, stress, and lowered cognition are three other results. The microorganisms living in your gut directly affect how your body responds to some mental health issues or disorders. One example is gastroparesis, which is known to affect mental health.

Cognitive Decline

It’s known that chronic gut inflammation can slowly lead to the development of neuroinflammation, possibly causing neurodegenerative issues. If you’re concerned about your gut health, it’s best to schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist. They can help discover any underlying gut problems and suggest a course of action for correcting them.

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