The Best High Potassium Foods

Getting enough potassium is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure and brain and muscle function. Too much potassium lost through illness and sweating can lead to fatigue, cramps, and constipation. Thankfully, potassium is found in many different foods.

Read on to learn more.


Bananas are probably the first food that comes to mind when potassium is mentioned. The banana is a reliable source of the mineral, as well as energy and fiber.


A cup of cooked broccoli contains up to 10% of your recommended daily potassium intake. It’s also great for kidney health, diabetes, and is a good source of antioxidants.


Beans are an excellent source of protein, with lots of fiber and little fat. They’re also a wonderful source of potassium, packing up to 21% of your daily value in a cup. For the most potassium in your meal, choose lima beans.


The simplest vegetables can often surprise you. A medium-sized potato contains 20% of your daily value of potassium. Sweet potatoes are also a good source. Try to enjoy it baked or air fried, to cut down on the oil.


Lentils have been a staple of cooking for thousands of years. Besides the fiber and affordability, lentils offer 15% per serving of your recommended daily potassium intake. Be sure to soak them before cooking to reduce the phytate content.


Yogurt is mostly valued for its calcium and healthy bacteria, so it may come as a surprise to learn that up to 8.5% of your daily potassium intake can be found in a single serving.


White meat is good for the heart and also your potassium intake. While not as high as some other foods on this list, it’s still a great way to get your protein and potassium fix.


Tomatoes may not be as potassium-rich individually, but dried or condensed into tomato paste, they can provide 10% of your daily value in just 50 grams, not to mention the vitamin C and antioxidants.

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