Warning Signs of Lymphoma to Need to Know

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 80,000 people will receive a Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) diagnosis, with over 20,000 individuals dying from the disease. Lymphoma is a severe disease that requires treatment by a specialist for effective management. Lymphoma usually grows in the organs and tissues that generate, keep, and transport white blood cells.

Signs and Symptoms of Lymphoma

Lymphoma is often detected in later stages since it doesn’t show early warning signs.

The signs and symptoms of lymphoma are varied and can include the following swollen abdomen, unintentional weight loss, and painless lumps in the lymph nodes. Some may experience less obvious symptoms like fever, chronic exhaustion, unusual sweating, and reduced appetite. Breathing problems and rash may also be a symptom of lymphoma.

Although the lump doesn’t hurt, you may find it painful after consuming alcohol. The growth can get larger over time, or new nodes may grow around it. Some lymphoma symptoms may require further confirmation from a doctor since they resemble symptoms from other diseases or health conditions.

For instance, an infection may cause swollen lymph nodes in children. They might hurt when they’re touched, but they’ll return to normal size after the infection is gone.

Treatments for Lymphoma

Treatments for lymphoma depend on the type and severity level of the disease. They may involve radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or monoclonal antibodies. The early stages of Hodgkin’s disease are treatable with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Meanwhile, non-Hodgkin lymphoma is only treatable with localized radiotherapy or by combining radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Fast-growing non-Hodgkin lymphoma usually needs chemotherapy immediately.

When to Consult a Doctor

See your doctor immediately if you notice any abovementioned persistent signs that you may have lymphoma. They can give you an accurate diagnosis.

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