5 Ways to Lose Weight All Month Long without Exercise

Losing weight without exercising might sound like an impossible dream. But if you eat the right kinds of food, you can make that dream into a reality.

Read on to find out more.

Start Your Day with a High-Protein Breakfast

Ensure your breakfast has around 25 to 30 grams of protein. Typically, proteins are complex to digest and stay in the stomach longer. As a result, you won’t feel hungry or be tempted to snack before lunch.

Stock Fiber-Rich Foods

Generally, food rich in fiber has high water content, making you feel full faster. This enables you to reduce your food portion size. Also, fiber has a low-calorie content compared to other foods. Besides supporting your weight loss goals, fiber improves gut health and bowel movement during digestion.

Start Your Meal with a Bowl of Soup

Starting your meal with a bowl of soup makes you feel fuller. This will prevent you from overeating and taking on more calories. However, you should avoid creamy soup. Go for legume or vegetable broth to supply your body with the essential nutrients and fiber.

Keep Seeping Green Tea

Apart from keeping you warm, green tea also helps you lose weight in several ways. Firstly, the caffeine content has properties that promote the burning of fat to release energy. Secondly, it reduces your appetite and leads to a reduced calorie intake.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Sweetened drinks have a high-calorie content. Since those calories don’t increase the feeling of fullness faster than those in solid food, you might end up consuming excess calories. Consequently, this will derail your weight loss goals. You should replace sugary drinks with water or lightly sweetened green tea or coffee.

Take Control of Your Weight

Having no time to work out shouldn’t be a reason to give up on your goal to reduce weight. You can still lose weight by watching your diet.

Cucumber Calories

Salmon, Weight Loss, and You