What’s the Deal With Ear Acupuncture?

Although acupuncture has been used for centuries, it has only recently gained mainstream popularity in the West. You’ve probably heard of traditional acupuncture, which stimulates points throughout the body using small needles. But what about ear acupuncture? Let’s discuss what this type of acupuncture does and if it actually works.

What Is Ear Acupuncture?

As the name suggests, ear or auricular acupuncture focuses solely on points found in your ears. The acupuncturist uses needles to resolve blockages and disruptions in your ear area, thus restoring the energy flow necessary for your health. According to acupuncturists, they can target as many as 200 individual points in the ear through acupuncture. Among them, the five most important points are:

  • The autonomic point, which affects the nervous system
  • The lung point, which regulates breathing
  • The kidney point, which affects the internal organs
  • The liver point, which regulates blood flow
  • The Shen Men, which reduced anxiety

Does Ear Acupuncture Actually Work?

Acupuncturists claim they can treat the following conditions using auricular acupuncture:

  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Migraines
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Obesity
  • Pain after cancer surgery
  • Digestion issues

Although several studies have proven that acupuncture has tangible medical value, they are all small in scope and can’t attest to the long-term effects of ear acupuncture.

However, if a licensed and trained acupuncturist provides the service, it’s perfectly safe and doesn’t pose any health risks. As such, you can use it if you feel it could help you.

Consult Your Doctor

If you have a bleeding disorder or take blood thinners, you should consult your health care provider before scheduling an ear acupuncture appointment. Even if you don’t, it might be prudent to seek advice from a qualified medical professional before taking the acupuncture route.

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