General Health – Nutra Times Helping You Live Healthy! Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:26:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 General Health – Nutra Times 32 32 Eating Your Way to Inflammation – Worst Habits to Break Now Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:26:55 +0000 Inflammation is an important defense to our body against illness but can be a problem when it prolonged. While you can’t control all factors involved in inflammation, you can make changes to your diet to reduce the chances of it occurring.

Here are the foods you can consume to reduce your chances of suffering from inflammation.


Spinach is a leafy green, rich in nutrients, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Only 85 grams provides over 100% of the daily requirement of vitamin K. It also contains substantial amounts of other vitamins like A, C, E, and B. And it contains minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium and calcium. But where it perhaps matters the most, spinach offers health benefits like carotenoids and flavonoids known to possess anti-inflammatory properties and work as antioxidants.


One serving of raw kale provides 206% of the daily requirement of vitamin A, 134% of vitamin C, and 684% of vitamin K. It contains quercetin and kaempferol antioxidants which help in reducing inflammation as well as oxidative stress.


Arugula is quite helpful for fighting inflammation because it contains indole-3-carbinol and erucin (an isothiocyanate). Erusin was found to inhibit cytokines, molecules that promote communication between your cells, and pro-inflammatory enzymes in animal studies. It reduces aches and pains that come with inflammatory diseases.

Beet Greens

Green beet greens contain betalains and nitrates that make them useful for people suffering from inflammatory diseases. Betalains have antioxidants that could help reduce swelling. Beets are also high in nitrates, which means they can help with inflammation by getting rid of toxic elements in your blood.

Seek for Nutritionist

To reduce inflammation, it helps to create the proper diet and consume foods that keep the condition in check. Help your body stave off the pain of inflammation by eating anti-inflammatory foods and changing poor eating habits. Stay in balance while enjoying favorite meals moderately.

Consult your health care provider or a nutritionist for an individualized dietary plan.

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3 Healthy Habits to Help You Live Longer Tue, 19 Dec 2023 11:50:18 +0000 Most people dream of living long and happy lives and enjoying all this planet has to offer. And while we may not know the secret of immortality, there are some ways to boost your life expectancy.

Here are three fantastic habits to get into that can help you live longer.

Make Breakfast Your Biggest Meal

Countless dieticians and nutritionists agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you look at countries and regions where people tend to live longest, they eat big, filling, and healthy breakfasts, a far cry from the sugary cereals of other nations.

Breakfast is what gives you energy and nutrients to make it through the day. So try to make yours count. Get into the habit of opting for savory breakfast options, like eggs, salmon, and avocados, rather than sweet treats, and make your breakfast big and filling.

Eat More Beans

Another thing we can learn from some of the oldest people in the world is that they often include a lot of beans into their diets. In the healthiest parts of the Mediterranean, for instance, white beans are used in lots of traditional dishes.

Incorporate beans into as many meals as you can. Mix them with stews and curries. Add them to your chili and pasta dishes. You can even toss them into salads, too.

Snack on Nuts

We all get hungry from time to time in between meals. And you may have heard that snacking isn’t good for you. However, it all depends on what kind of food you actually snack on. Chips and dips? Bad. But nuts, like walnuts and cashews, are much better.

Most nuts are packed full of essential nutrients, like healthy fats, muscle-building proteins, and vitamins. The next time you want something to snack on, grab a handful of nuts instead of a candy bar.

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5 Benefits of Oiling Your Belly Button Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:45:38 +0000 Navel oiling is a part of Ayurvedic practice. It consists of applying warm herbal oils directly to your belly button and massaging it in a circular motion until all the oil is absorbed through the skin. Many benefits of this massage can impact your body, mood, and health.

Read on to learn more.

1. Pain Relief

The belly button has around 72,000 nerve endings. Stimulating them through navel massage increases circulation and can relieve pain. It’s said to be especially effective in ailing menstrual and joint pain.

2. Digestion Aid

By massaging the belly button, the pressure is applied directly onto your stomach. Applying essential oils to this area is beneficial for stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, and other digestive issues. Navel oiling with castor oil has also been linked to weight loss. However, there isn’t any scientific data to back this claim.

3. No Stress

The Vagus nerve is responsible for controlling relaxation and calmness. Stimulating this nerve through navel oiling can be beneficial in reducing stress. This is especially effective if combined with oils used for stress release in aromatherapy, like lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood.

4. Purifies and Heals

The belly button is considered the dirtiest part of the human body because most people often forget to clean it thoroughly. All dirt and dead skin can be efficiently removed through navel oiling with grape or sunflower oil. By using coconut, lemongrass, or peppermint oils with antifungal and antibacterial properties, you can help remedy existing infections or prevent any future infections inside and outside your body.

5. Glowing Skin

The oils absorbed through navel massage help in detoxifying your body. As a result, this can help with skin imperfections, such as acne, and give you a radiant glow.

The Navel Rejuvenation

The benefits of navel oiling are numerous. If you’re unsure which oils would be best or how to massage yourself, consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner is the best solution.

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Hacks to Improve Your Metabolism Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:42:13 +0000 Your bodily functions depend on the efficiency of your metabolism. Genetics and age are nonmodifiable factors in the process. But lifestyle, diet, and good habits can ensure that the body works like a well-oiled machine.

Read on to learn more.

Timing Is of the Essence

Simply eating nutritious and healthy meals isn’t enough if you’re not eating regularly. Skipping meals and snacking throughout the day can cause a disbalance in your blood pressure and insulin levels. This can lead to obesity. Your body needs three to four hours to digest any meal. Having your meals regularly at the proper intervals will ensure you have enough energy to keep going throughout the day.

Goodbye to Dieting

Certain conditions require specific dietary restrictions. However, for most healthy individuals losing weight through crash dieting can cause more harm than good. These diets can affect your mood, starve your body, and disrupt your metabolism. Even worse, they’re unsustainable, often causing a yo-yo effect that leaves you right back where you started.

Think Before You Drink

It’s a common fact that hydration is the key to a good metabolism. Drinks like lemon water, ginger and green tea, and kombucha will increase the antioxidants and vitamins in your body, and help with digestion. But consuming alcohol or soda drinks regularly might lead to obesity and cause metabolic syndrome.

Don’t Let Them Eat Cake

Eating sweets and pastries in excess might cause diabetes and weight gain. Ultimately, it can disrupt your normal metabolic functions. Yet eating refined sugars and carbohydrates occasionally won’t kill you. Always opt for healthier options though, with whole-grain flour and healthier sugar alternatives like dates.

Metabolism Boost

Problems with energy levels and weight don’t need to be solved through extreme measures. By introducing some lifestyle and dietary changes, you can give your metabolism that much-needed boost.

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5 Reasons Not to Skip Breakfast Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:34:21 +0000 There are multiple benefits to eating breakfast each morning. It can even impact your overall health and long-term wellbeing.

Read on to find out more.

1. Better Quality Diet

People who skip breakfast have lower daily folate, calcium, iron, and vitamin intake. A complete, well-balanced meal to start your day will help your body absorb the necessary minerals and vitamins.

2. Prevent Weight Gain

Not eating in the morning makes people feel hungrier throughout the day, snack between meals, and consume more significant portions for lunch and dinner. These factors contribute to a poorer diet, which can lead to weight gain.

3. Energy Boost

When you wake up, your body is ready to receive a new energy supply. There’s a reason Adelle Davis used to say, “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” Eating breakfast will help you get that much-needed power boost to keep you going.

4. Improve Focus

Consuming breakfast affects your concentration power and memory, and can even decrease the risk of dementia significantly. The brain needs energy as well, and carbohydrates fuel it. For instance, eating breakfast with complex carbs from wholegrain foods can benefit your brain health.

5. Stabilize Your Insulin Levels

Missing breakfast might cause increased levels of glucose and fatty acids. As a result, your glycemic levels will be elevated after eating lunch, which can increase the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. What you eat matters as much as when you eat. Wholegrains and foods with fermentable fibers can lower glycemia and insulinemia.

Breakfast of Health Champions

If you struggle to get up in the morning or have a hectic schedule first thing, you might not be able to grab a bite to eat. But if you weigh up the breakfast pros and cons, you’ll realize that some habits are worth changing.

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15 Daily Habits to Drop for a Stronger Heart Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:52:58 +0000 Are your daily routines sabotaging your cardiovascular health? Here are 15 habits that might be silently harming your heart.

Skipping Breakfast

Starting your day without breakfast can make you overeat later in the day, which can stress your heart.

Sitting Too Much

A sedentary lifestyle is bad news for your heart. Even if you have to sit a lot, take breaks every now and then.

Overdoing Salt

Too much salt can increase blood pressure – a major cause of heart disease.

Not Managing Stress

Chronic stress can also increase blood pressure, which harms your heart’s wellbeing.


Smoking is bad for the heart. It harms your blood vessels and can lead to heart disease.

Overindulging in Alcohol

A little alcohol might be okay. But too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure and your weight – not heart-friendly.

Ignoring Sleep

Poor sleep or not enough sleep can cause stress and harm your heart.

Processed Foods

Processed foods often have too many unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium that aren’t great for your heart.

Not Flossing

Believe it or not, poor dental health can contribute to heart disease. Therefore, flossing can indirectly keep your heart healthy.

Overlooking Mental Health

Your mental health impacts your heart. Depression and anxiety can affect heart health.

Avoiding Checkups

You should have regular medical checks to keep tabs on your heart health.

Too Much Sugar

Excess sugar can lead to weight gain, inflammation, high cholesterol, and diabetes. All of which are bad for the heart, especially combined.

Not Enough Water

Water keeps your whole body, including the heart, healthy.

Lack of Physical Activity

Exercising, even mildly, controls weight reduces blood pressure, and strengthens the heart muscle.

Ignoring Warning Signs

If you experience symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or unusual fatigue, don’t ignore them. They could be warning signs of heart problems.

From what you eat and drink to how much you move and sleep, each of your daily habits play a part in your heart health.

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Doctor-Approved Daily Rituals for a Healthy Heart Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:49:48 +0000 Your heart endures all your daily ups and downs, so you want to do everything in your power to keep it healthy. But what do the experts suggest to keep your heart beating optimally?

Read on to find out.

Well-Balanced Diet

The number-one doctor-approved daily habit for a healthy heart is surprisingly simple – a well-rounded diet. With a heart-friendly diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, you won’t need supplements or rigorous diet plans to maintain balance and consistency.

Regular Exercise

Apart from eating well, you should stay active to keep your heart healthy. You don’t have to do intense or strenuous workouts. Even leisurely daily walks can make a big difference.

Good Night’s Sleep

Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. It regulates your stress levels and also protects your heart from stress.

Manage Stress

On that note, high stress can take a toll on your heart. Meditation, yoga, or taking time to unwind can keep your heart healthy and your mind happy.

Avoid Harmful Habits

Cut down on smoking and excessive drinking, and avoid sugars and processed foods high in saturated fats. These can increase “bad” cholesterol and could gradually deteriorate your heart’s wellbeing.

Regular Health Check-Ups

If you have any underlying health condition, keep tabs on your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other heart health indicators. If anything seems out of the ordinary, talk to your doctor sooner rather than later.

Do It Like the Experts

There’s no magic pill or a superfood for a healthy heart. Good cardiovascular health depends on a lifestyle that incorporates healthy eating, physical activity, good sleep, stress management, and regular health check-ups.

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5 Top Tips to Boost Your Metabolism Thu, 07 Dec 2023 12:44:43 +0000 As people age, their metabolisms start to slow down, making it much harder to control their weight. Fortunately, there are some secret tricks you can use to give your metabolic rate a boost, even in your 30s, 40s, and beyond.

Here are five handy tips to consider.

Eat More Protein

Protein is harder to break down than fat or carbs. If you eat lots of protein – found in sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, and tofu – your metabolism should start to work a lot harder.

Try HIIT Training

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. And a typical HIIT workout involves very intense bursts of activity with brief breaks in between to burn off tons of calories in record time. It’s one of the most effective exercise methods to increase metabolic rate.

Drink More Green Tea and Coffee

Green tea and coffee are fantastic drinks to start off any day. They don’t just provide a quick pick-me-up when you’re feeling sleepy, they also contain key compounds to help burn off fat and speed up metabolic rate, like caffeine and catechins.

Follow a Steady Sleep Schedule

Lack of sleep, or an irregular sleeping pattern, can be terrible for your metabolism. Instead, try to maintain a steady sleep schedule, doing what you need to do for a good night’s rest, every night of the week. This will help your body regulate hormones involved with key metabolic processes.

Drink Cold Water

It’s never a bad idea to drink water, but cold water is particularly handy for those seeking a metabolic boost. When the water is cold, your body uses more energy to heat it up.

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5 Super Supplements to Strengthen Your Immune System Thu, 07 Dec 2023 12:41:05 +0000 Viruses. Bacteria. Infections. They can wreak havoc on the body. Fortunately, your built-in defenses, otherwise known as the immune system, help to fight them off and keep you happy and healthy.

Here are five supplements to power up your immune system.

Vitamin D

You can get vitamin D from spending time in the sun. But during the winter, or in dark and cloudy locations, vitamin D levels tend to run low. Studies show that taking a supplement can help people catch fewer colds and similar infections.


Colostrum is the thick, milky, nutrient-rich substance made by new moms right after giving birth. You can take it in supplement form, sourced from dairy cows, and it’s packed full of immunoglobulins to improve immune response.


By far one of the best minerals for immune health, zinc has been proven to keep the immune system running smoothly. It’s found in many common foods, such as eggs and beans, but you might not get enough in your diet. In that case, a zinc supplement could be the answer.


Probiotics, sometimes known as good or friendly bacteria, are live microorganisms that can improve digestive health. And experts have linked digestive health with immune health. For that reason, consuming more probiotics can help with your immune responses, as well as your ability to process food.

Adaptogenic Mushrooms

Adaptogenic mushrooms offer an array of benefits, from helping people get to sleep to strengthening the immune system. They work by helping the body manage stress – and one of the biggest sources of bodily stress is when germs get into your system.

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Bloating vs. Belly Fat: The Basics and Differences Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:48:04 +0000 Belly fat and bloating are both uncomfortable conditions. Bloating can occur after heavy meals while belly fat is the result of unhealthy eating and poor dietary habits. The fat can be physically grasped and is usually quite noticeable.

Read on to find out more.

The Differences

The biggest difference between belly fat and bloating is that your belly fat doesn’t increase from just one meal or eating a lot of foods in one day. However, bloating happens much quicker and is typically resolved just as fast. You can end up feeling bloated after just one meal.

Another quick way to tell the difference is by a physical test. If you’re able to grab the bulge from your stomach, it’s most probably belly fat. When you’re bloated, you won’t be able to grip your belly.

Tips to Beat Bloating

Although bloating is a natural reaction, it’s not something you have to accept. Try eating slower and breaking the three main meals into smaller portions throughout the day.

Tips to Beat Belly Fat

Belly fat is much more stubborn than bloating and will take time to lose. The good news is that the steps you take to lose belly fat also aid in reducing bloat. You should drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, increase the protein content in your diet, and get enough sleep.

Lose the Excess

Although bloating and belly fat are two different things, the ways to prevent them are similar. It’s important to prioritize gut health, manage your stress levels, and get enough rest to maintain a healthy body.

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