Search Results for “feed” – Nutra Times Helping You Live Healthy! Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:43:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Search Results for “feed” – Nutra Times 32 32 The Perfect Oatmeal Serving for Maximum Health Benefits Thu, 21 Dec 2023 12:43:06 +0000 Oatmeal has become a popular breakfast choice because it is quick and convenient. It is packed with nutrients needed to start your day. Oatmeal has fiber as well as essential vitamins and minerals that assist digestion.

The article explains the science of why oatmeal is good for you, suggests serving sizes, and provides ways to enjoy your oats.

Oatmeal Lowers Cholesterol

Beta-glucan is a type of soluble fiber and it’s what helps oatmeal lower the level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the body. By binding with cholesterol in the digestive tract, beta-glucan reduces LDL and total cholesterol levels. It is recommended people consume 1-1.5 cups of oatmeal as it provides three grams of this soluble fiber required for heart health.

Oatmeal Improves Gut Health

In addition to helping lower cholesterol, the fiber in oats known as beta-glucan can also feed the beneficial bacteria that live in your gut. Oats have been found to rebalance gut flora, enhance the body’s immune function, promote weight loss, and prevent weight gain.

Types of Oats Explained

Supermarkets have several types of oatmeal choices, such as instant, quick-cooking, rolled oats, and steel-cut oats. The last are the least processed and only have their shell removed. It takes longer to cook them and results in a coarser texture. Rolled oats are steamed and rolled flat, which makes them cook faster with a smoother texture. Instant oats are tiny flakes that reduce the cooking time and have a softer consistency.

Oatmeal Is Versatile

Oatmeal is a breakfast food that can be made in many different ways, depending on your personal taste. If you want a more savory oatmeal dish, add grape tomatoes, avocados, bacon chunks, jalapenos, cilantro, green onions, parmesan, or french-fried onions. You can also add it to muffins, granola bars, cookies, and more for a portable, sweeter snack.

Consult Healthcare Specialist

Oatmeal can be consumed at any time during the day to improve your well-being. You can add it to other healthy foods like muffins and smoothies, making it very easy to have in your diet whenever you want.

Consult your doctor for personalized advice on the amount of oats to add to your diet.

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5 Foods for Fabulous Skin Thu, 05 Oct 2023 09:42:22 +0000 If you’re sticking to a strict skincare routine, drinking plenty of water, and still struggling to keep your skin acne-free. The surprising answer to your skincare woes could be choosing food that better supports healthy skin.

Foods contain vitamins and nutrients that keep your skin strong, hydrated, and protected. Check out a few of these skin-enhancing snacks below.


Cherries are a great source of antioxidants thanks to their high levels of Vitamins A, C, and E. Antioxidants are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Tart cherries, in particular, also contain melatonin, which aids good quality sleep. Quality rest is a key factor in enabling the skin to repair itself. Meaning you awake with fresh, rejuvenated skin.


Broccoli contains high levels of zinc and vitamin C. It also contains Lutein, a pigment responsible for the vegetable’s yellow, red, and orange colors. This pigment, when absorbed by the body, helps protect skin from UV rays which cause damage and wrinkles.


Avocados have often been used in at-home face masks. But it seems it can be just as beneficial, if not more, to eat the tasty fruits, rather than apply them directly on the skin. Avocados’ high unsaturated fat and total fat content is linked to improved skin elasticity and wrinkle reduction.


Walnuts are known to be excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to support heart health and improve skin quality. Zinc, a mineral that can serve inflammatory and antimicrobial regulatory functions, is also found in walnuts. Many will recognize it as the same mineral found in Zinc Oxide, a product commonly used to treat or prevent minor skin irritations like burns, cuts, and rashes and widely found in sunscreen.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a rich source of nutrients, protein, and collagen. Protein keeps skin firm and strong. Collagen consumption can reduce and delay skin aging by increasing moisture and elasticity.

Feed Your Skin What It’s Craving

Next time you’re tempted to reach for a greasy, pimple-causing snack, consider one of these nutrient-rich, skin-loving alternatives. Your skin will thank you.

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Healthy Low-Carb Foods You Should Add to Your Diet Thu, 21 Sep 2023 12:03:07 +0000 Adding natural low-carb foods to your diet will feed your body with nutrition and assist you with your weight management goals. Nature has given us delicious low-carb foods that are nutritious and packed with antioxidants and fiber.

Read on to learn more.


Leafy green vegetables are packed full of healthy nutrients. Spinach is a great low-carb food choice thanks to its high fiber ratio, low carbs, and high levels of iron, vitamins C, K, A, and calcium. Consuming this rich leafy green veg often can reduce and manage blood pressure levels.


This is a wonderful option for people using ketogenic or low-carb diets. Cauliflower has large amounts of dietary fiber to maintain good digestive health. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels and assists with weight management. Minerals and vitamins found in cauliflower include folate, vitamin K, and vitamin C. Its versatility and low carb count make it a popular choice for those watching their carb intake.

Grape Tomatoes

Yummy in salads or as a light snack, grape tomatoes contain 8.4 grams of carbs per cup, beta-carotene, and lycopene, which are disease-busting antioxidants.

Red Bell Peppers

Aside from being low-carb, red bell peppers are right up there with oranges for a rich vitamin C boost. Vitamin C assists in wound healing, boosts your immune system, and promotes healthy skin. They also have dietary fiber to help with good satiety, digestion, and other essential nutrients.

Portobello Mushrooms

Portobello mushrooms have just over 3 grams of carbs in one cup. They’re easy to find and cook with and are a tasty addition to your low-carb diet.

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Reduce Your Waistline in 30 Days With These Habits Tue, 19 Sep 2023 13:09:17 +0000 Healthy lifestyle habits will lead to long-term weight loss, including a reduction in your waistline. Although these habits don’t guarantee a miraculous transformation because everyone is unique, they’ll definitely get you on track.

Read on to learn more.

Strength Training

Most people have the misconception that lifting weights makes you bulky, but this isn’t true; it can make you lean and toned. Because muscle burns more calories than fat even while resting, building lean muscle is an essential and integral part of weight loss. Additionally, you can sculpt your waist with core-focused exercises.

Eat Enough Protein

If you’ve been on a weight loss journey, you’ll know that protein has tremendous benefits. Aside from leaving you feeling full for longer, it’s also vital for the growth and repair of your muscles, especially when weight training. Consuming lots of protein will preserve lean body mass and reduce weight. Chicken and fish are ideal lean sources of protein and plant-based proteins.

Prioritize Eating Fruit

Nature has blessed us with juicy, tasty, sweet, natural desserts in the form of fruits. They’ll satisfy your sweet tooth while feeding you with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins. Fruit also prevents cravings, which helps you maintain your weight loss efforts.

Consume Vegetables

Vegetables are vital for a reduced waistline. They have lots of fiber, making you feel full; they prevent sugar cravings and regulate your blood sugar. And because of their low-calorie count, you can eat as much as you want.

Limit Screens Before You Go to Sleep

Screens give off blue light, and this can affect your melatonin production. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to weight loss, as this regulates your appetite hormones. Good sleep has also been linked to increased fat reduction.

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Maintain Your Ideal Weight After 40 With These Tips Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:57:55 +0000 As you age, losing weight and keeping it off becomes harder. You have to be dedicated and work hard, but it is possible. Although it can be a struggle to lose weight as you get older, developing healthy habits now ensures you will stick to them throughout your life.

Read on for tips that assist with effective weight management after 40.

East Crunchy Snacks

As tempting as it may be to eat a bag of chips or pretzels, these have loads of fat and carbs and can cause blood sugar hikes, cortisol release, and weight gain around the belly. Healthy, crunchy snacks like pistachios won’t add to your waistline and will feed your body with protein and fiber. These nutrients leave you feeling full and will stop you from over-eating. They also have antioxidants that prevent the inflammation that’s associated with gaining weight.

Make Wise Choices With Your Carbs

It is fine to eat carbs; in fact, some carbs make your weight loss efforts more effective. Select carbs that are good for your gut and blood sugar, and skip carbs that are refined and lack fiber.

Have Healthy Yummy Meals Ready to Eat

When you’re watching your weight, it’s a good idea to have several nutritious, tasty, easy-to-make options. So, even on those busy days, you can stay on track by eating healthy and fueling your body. Great options include Frittata Muffins, which can serve as healthy snacks or oatmeal.

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Eat These 8 Foods After a Workout to Lose Weight Mon, 08 May 2023 11:48:00 +0000 Counting calories isn’t all there is to weight loss. Your progress can be greatly diminished if you choose to consume the wrong post-workout food. To prevent making these fundamental mistakes, stick to the following eight foods from this article.

Protein Powder

An obvious ingredient to retaining your workout progress and preparing your muscles for the next session is protein. Ready-made shakes are a way to quickly ingest enough protein and recover from a workout.


Unless you’re vegan, eggs are your best protein-rich friend on your bulking-up journey. They can be prepared and eaten in many forms, so choose the one that’s least taxing for you after you’re already drained from a workout.

Protein-Packed Granola Bar

Another quick and easy option that you can carry around is a protein bar. There are plenty of granola bars promoted as healthy, so be careful when choosing your source of nutrition. Look for those that have at least 10 grams of protein and little to no artificial sugar, and you’re good to go.

Nuts and Dried Fruit

Nuts and dried fruit are on the more calorific side, but they’re a good go-to food when you don’t have time to prepare a whole meal.


Canned food might seem like a no-go. However, when it comes to tuna, it’s a food that boasts protein and omega-3 fats perfect for a post-workout recovery.

PB&J Sandwich

Two slices of whole grain bread, the nut spread of your choice, and natural fruit jam with no additives will feed both your body and soul after a tough workout.

High-Protein Cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the foods that’ll make your workout count. To make it less plain, throw in some fruit or honey, and your post-workout meal is ready.

Meat and Cheese Tortilla

Low-fat cheese containing whey and lean meat makes a perfect weight-loss combination that you’ll love. You can also add some leafy greens to make your wholegrain tortilla more colorful and ingest some fiber.

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Best Green Veggies for Intestinal Health Fri, 02 Dec 2022 10:12:30 +0000 Gas, constipation, and other forms of intestinal distress affect millions of people. Many of those who suffer can find relief by adding different foods to their diet. Foods like low-fructose fruits and whole grains can help, but some leafy green vegetables can also improve intestinal health.

Here are a few of the best green veggies you should be eating along with easy ways to incorporate them into your diet.

Leafy Greens

Adding leafy greens to your diet can help to improve your intestinal health. These types of vegetables can help to feed the good bacteria in your gut which can improve your overall health and provide relief from intestinal distress. Consuming leafy greens can help to cultivate the proper gut microbiome.


Spinach is an excellent choice to improve intestinal health. High in fiber, and nutrients like folic acid and vitamins A, C, and K, this leafy green has many benefits. Try adding raw spinach to salads for variety or lightly sautéed as a side dish.


High in both fiber and water, kale is great for preventing constipation. Some people have difficulty digesting this leafy vegetable, so it’s best to cook it which can help to soften the fibers. Try adding kale when preparing your favorite chicken or vegetable soup.

Bok Choy

This variety of Chinese cabbage is an excellent source of fiber and is easily digested. It’s rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. Bok choy can be steamed, simmered, or added to soups.

Collard Greens

The fiber in collard greens can lower bad cholesterol by absorbing it before it can hit the bloodstream and is a healthy addition to your diet. Collards can be simmered or braised and are a great choice as a side dish.

Protect Your Gut With Leafy Green Vegetables

An easy way to keep your intestinal health high is the addition of leafy green vegetables. High in fiber and other nutrients, spinach, kale, or collards can help to keep your gut happy and healthy.

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4 Ways Plogging Slows the Aging Process Tue, 22 Nov 2022 07:26:18 +0000 Plogging is a fitness trend that started in Sweden and is gradually sweeping the rest of the world. It is jogging while picking up litter to keep you fit and caring for the environment. This fun activity offers several healthy benefits that have been scientifically proven to slow aging.

Keep reading to learn reasons to start plogging or continue to extend your life.

Benefits of Plogging

With plogging, you’ll reap all the benefits gained through regular jogging, including increased lung capacity, increased energy, and improving your body oxygenation. Here are some other ways plogging contributes to slowing the aging process.

Mind and Body Stress Relief Outlet

According to Harvard, the best way to address stress is through regular exercise, eating well, meditating, Yoga, and being social. A plogging routine feeds your body and mind with movement and is a social event as it’s usually performed with others.

Strengths Your Heart

In addition to lifting your mood and developing strength, regular cardio prevents cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.

Volunteering Your Time Will Make You Feel Good

A happy heart is a healthy one. Performing a selfless deed can be soul-nourishing, and you’ll experience more happiness. Happiness also contributes to extending your life.

Consider Setting Up a Plogging Event

Slowing the aging process can be achieved through less stress, feelings of happiness, and an optimally working body. Arranging a neighborhood plogging event is a great way to get fit and socialize with your neighbors while you all take pride in helping to keep your surroundings clean.

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Here Are 5 Signs That You Have Breast Cancer Fri, 28 Oct 2022 08:38:57 +0000 Breast cancer is by far the most common form of cancer in the world. Fortunately, early detection can help cure the disease, thus increasing your survival rate. For that reason, here are five possible signs of the disease you should never ignore.

Presence of a Lump in the Breast

This is perhaps one of the common early signs of potential breast cancer. Some lumps might be a sign is a cyst or an infection, but here is how to tell if it is cancerous:

  • They increase in size over time.
  • They are irregular.
  • They don’t move when touched.

If you discover any lumps in your breasts, it’s best to have a professional examine them to determine whether it’s cancerous or not.

Changes in the Size and Shape of the Breast

Any changes in the regular size or shape of the breast should be a cause for concern. While these changes can result from other factors, such as aging and pregnancy, it’s best to see a doctor so they can tell you why the changes are occurring.

Painful or Tender Nipples

Nipple pain and tenderness can result from various circumstances, such as the onset of ovulation, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. However, in some cases, it may indicate the growth of a cancerous tumor in the breast. Some unusual nipple changes should be a cause for concern, including:

  • Reddening
  • Inflammation
  • Discoloration

Swelling of Underarm Lymph Nodes

This symptom might indicate the growth of cancer in the breast. As it is, the breast is a large organ that extends into the underarms. Any changes in the lymph nodes in this area deserve a doctor’s keen eye.

Nipple Discharge

Any nipple discharge should not be ignored, especially blood or pus. Many women who have breast cancer have experienced some sort of discharge from the nipple. The discharge might result from infection or the development of a non-cancerous tumor, but it’s best to see a doctor so they can give a proper diagnosis.

These signs are not conclusive. You should see a doctor if you have any concerns regarding breast cancer.

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Keep Your Hormones Balanced With These Three Eating Habits Wed, 26 Oct 2022 06:28:00 +0000 Hormones, or “chemical messengers,” coordinate different bodily functions by sending signals into your bloodstream and tissues. Too much or too little of one hormone leads to hormonal imbalance, which causes a range of unwanted symptoms, from weight gain to sexual dysfunction.

Many factors contribute to hormonal imbalance, including those you can’t control and those you can. Read on for three eating habits that contribute to hormonal imbalance.

Under or Overeating

Receiving proper nourishment contributes to synchronized hormone levels. A fall or a spike in your weight caused by under or overeating can upset your hormonal balance, then affect your appetite. This appetite change can exacerbate issues and lead to a feedback loop.

Weight changes significantly influence female reproductive hormones. An above-normal and below-normal body mass index has been linked with a higher risk of hormone-related fertility issues.

Too Much Sugar

It’s easy to get addicted to sugar since, besides being tasty, it activates the brain’s feel-good and reward system. However, its health effects are not sweet at all. In addition to contributing to weight gain, which disturbs hormonal function, it causes havoc on hormones directly. High amounts can turn off estrogen and testosterone regulation, presenting as varying symptoms for men and women.

Don’t reach for diet coke as a replacement just yet, though. Artificial sweeteners in diet soda may upset the equilibrium of leptin and ghrelin, hormones that regulate the feeling of fulness and hunger.

Too Much Alcohol

Now and again, you can enjoy a glass of wine, but overconsumption can cause hormonal disturbances. Disrupting the communication between your nervous, endocrine, and immune systems can cause several issues, including estrogen metabolism problems and immune deficiency.

Happy Hormones

When your hormones are in disharmony, you’ll probably notice the difference. Do your part to balance hormone levels with a healthy diet. Control your portion sizes but ensure you eat nutritious meals and keep your sugar intake to an absolute minimum.

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